I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Pointed beak, flat beak and pelican beak are all the types of beaks we used for this discovery.But these things are also known as forceps, tongs and cups. First we learnt about the meanings of the words we need to know like, aim. Aim means trying to achieve something in the experiment we were trying to see what shape beak is the best for picking up food. And we learnt what will we change( the equipment), What we will measure ( the amount of food) and how we will keep it a fair test. The way we can make it a fair test by having a nice steady surface, by having the same person doing each type of food also by having the same amount of time of 30 seconds. We had an amazing time experimenting with rice, peppercorns, gummy worms and skittles and after we got to eat LOLLIES. Thank you Miss Down for this amazing experiment
M&M Challenge
Last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we did the M&M challenge. The class got into groups with one leader in each group. Miss Down gave us some M&M’s and we had to count how many we had and next figured how much M&M’s our group had. After we found out how many M&M’s we all had many people realised that some people had a very small amount of M&M’s while others had about 50. The next thing we did was counting how much of red we had then blue then yellow until we had finished all the colours we had. When we did everything Miss Down told us to share all the M&M’s equally with our group and everyone in the class got 41 M&M’s each! We have put our information on a poster.
I want to talk about Teina Pora, a man who spent over 20 years in jail for a crime he didn’t do. I want to explain how this happened. My dad was involved in this case and went on for weeks, months and years even when I was little. So let’s get started. In 1993 Teina Pora confessed that he was there when the victim Susan Burdett was murdered. This wasn’t true but the reason Teina said it was because of the reward money. Teina was very poor. He grew up poor after his mother died when he was four years old. In 1993 he needed some money for his family so they can survive. He was 17 and he had a 2 year old daughter. The reward money Police were offering was 20,000 dollars. After he confessed, he was arrested and went on trial in 1994.In the end there were two trials and two appeals. After his first trial he spent 5 years in prison. He appealed after Police charged another person with Susan Burdett’s murder. His appeal was successful and he was given a new trial. At his new trial in 2000 he was found guilty again and sent to prison for life. When I was about two years old, my Dad and two lawyers, called Jonathan and Ingrid, began to work on his case again. They discovered Teina had FASD. When I was about two years old, my Dad and two lawyers, called Jonathan and Ingrid, case again. They discovered Teina had FASD. FASD is a brain injury that happened because his mother drank alcohol when she was pregnant with him. Because he has FASD, Teina doesn’t understand consequences. The consequences of saying he was there was that he was charged with murder. He also gets confused easily because of FASD and got confused during the Police interviews. Back when Teina first confessed people didn’t know about FASD. The appeal was successful and Teina got out of jail. The government investigated his case and found out he was completely innocent.The government said sorry to Teina and paid him 3.5 million dollars in compensation.(com,pen,say,sion) I know Teina, when he was released I meet him. He is very strong, smart and kind. I hang out with him sometimes. There has been a book and a movie about Teina’s case, both called In Dark Places and both made by the same person, Michael Bennett. I am in both the book and the movie. Michael had me act my older brother Luke for the movie. Xavier my younger brother acted me. Acting made me earn over 100 dollars. Luke was a assistant director, he help call the scenes. I hope you learnt something about Teina Pora. I hope you enjoy the restof your day, Thank you.
On Wednesday the 19th of September 2018. I went to the Auckland Catholic Schools Chess Tournament. The tournament was held out in Massey at saint Paul's school. I can fourth place on my board.

Monday, 24 September 2018
Liam: The native New Zealand Kiwi Bird
The Iconic Bird, The Kiwi
By: Liam Mckinnel
The Kiwi eats almost everything! The Kiwi is a omnivore, so it eats plants and meat. The Kiwi loves to eat berries, grubes, small eel and crayfish, invertebrates and leaves. To get grubs and worms the Kiwi puts its long beak in the ground and attempted to get grubs and worms from the soil, if it gets no food it moves to a new location. In the place were the kiwi lives gives it a different diet.The diet depends on the habitat and where they live.
The Habitat is major for a Kiwi. It is there home and their protection. The Kiwis home can be all over New Zealand, from the South Island to the North Island. Kiwi need native forest, and are also found in scrub and rough farmland, exotic plantation forests, sand dunes and snow tussocks, even mangroves. They especially like places with wetland vegetation, but where they live has predators!
As you can see the kiwi is an amazing bird that is truly valuable to New Zealand, as it is our native and iconic bird. There are many interesting and wonderful facts about the kiwi. In order to protect and to keep our native kiwi bird we must understand the diet needs, the importance of a habitat and those predators that threaten the kiwi. When we understand the kiwis needs we can makes sure the kiwi will continue to survive to remain our special native bird. animals. I hope you learnt something about Kiwis diet predators and habitat.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
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